Sylvain Moncho

Multi-instrumentalist improviser

  • Sylvain Monchocé playing the gayageum

Sylvain Monchocé is a multi-instrumentalist improviser playing the saxophones, the flutes, the gayageum and the daegeum.

Sylvain Monchocé playing the saxophone


Audio recordings


Upcoming performances

  • 03.12.25


    France, Jazz'Alpes

    Sylvain Monchocé - gayageum, flute, bass flute, daegeum, alto saxophone

  • 04.22.25


    Tour from the 22/04 to the 27/04

    Daniel Studer - double bass
    Sylvain Monchocé - gayageum

    Exact dates and locations to be announced


  • 04.28.25


    Tour from the 28/04 to the 02/05

    Marie-Louise Schneider - voice, violin
    Emiliano Salvatore - electric guitar
    Sylvain Monchocé - gayageum, flute, saxophone

    Exact dates and locations to be announced

  • 06.14.25


    France, Mens, Temple

    Sylvain Monchocé - flute, daegeum, bass flute

    T. Hosokawa - Sen I - solo flute
    Cheongseonggok - solo daegeum
    Improvisation - solo bass flute

  • 10.24.25


    Tour from the 24/10 to the 30/10

    Daniel Studer - double bass
    Sylvain Monchocé - gayageum

    Exact dates and locations to be announced