Jovičin Moncho

Damjan Jovičin & Sylvain Monchoce

  • Slideshow of the duo Jovicin Monchocé

Intense and peaceful, strong and delicate.

This duo explores the contrasts and similarities between contraries, in terms of textures, melodies and forms, giving fresh and dazzling performances.

Damjan Jovičin (1995) // Composer and pianist. He finished his Bachelor and Master studies at Faculty of Music in Belgrade, and is currently studying PhD studies. He spent one semester at Franz List Academy of Music in Budapest as a part of ERASMUS program. He is an active participant of many national and international festivals where his compositions were premiered. Some of them include: Darmstädter Ferienkurse (Germany), ISA Festival (Austria), Time of Music (Finland), Soundmine (Belgium), Walden Creative Musicians Retreat (USA), BEMUS (Serbia), International Composer’s Review (Serbia), KoMA (Serbia), FESTUM (Serbia), CEME Festival (Israel)… He received the comission for the 49th edition of Belgrade Music Festival and composed an orchestral piece Mathematical Dream which was premiered by RTS symphony orchestra at Kolarac endownment. Besides concert music, he leads a gamelan ensemble, traditional singing group, composes music for multimedia art and performes as a pianist and conductor.

Jovicin Monchocé illustration